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What is Tummy Tuck?

No matter how carefully you watch your diet, or how often you exercise, it may not be enough to achieve a sleek, toned midsection. Through pregnancy, weight loss, and the natural aging process, the skin of the abdomen can begin to droop, leading to an unsightly appearance. Issues such as a bulging tummy, love handles, sagging abdominal skin and tissue, or split muscles can be corrected with a custom tummy tuck in Valdosta.

Achieving a flat, trim waistline may not be possible by reducing weight. If you struggle with the appearance of a saggy midsection, a tummy tuck can help you achieve a flat, toned abdomen that enhances your figure, making you look younger and more trim and attractive.

When Diet and Exercise Don’t Work: A Tummy Tuck

Sadly, exercise and diet are often not enough to achieve a flat, trim abdomen. Tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, performed by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sonya J. Merriman repairs the abdomen to create a firmer, taut abdominal area by removing excess fatty tissue, skin, and tightening the underlying muscle structure to create a sleek, trim waistline.

In the privacy of our Valdosta, Georgia surgical center, Dr. Merriman is an artist in performing tummy tuck surgeries to remove excess fat, skin, and tissue from your midsection. The result is a smooth, tight, and firm abdomen, free from saggy skin and fat, with split muscles tightened and repaired. Stretch marks lower on the abdomen are often removed in this surgery.

Who is a Good Candidate for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

To be a good candidate for our Tifton tummy tuck, you should not be significantly overweight, and not have any health condition that could make surgery unsafe. At the hands of Dr. Merriman, tummy tuck surgery can is the right procedure to restore the toned, fit appearance you had in your youth. Whether your body woes are a result of pregnancy, a significant amount of weight loss, or fatty deposits that linger no matter how hard you work out, tummy tuck surgery can be life-changing.

Imagine finally being free of love handles, a flabby or protruding tummy, and excess hanging skin that mars your figure – a tummy tuck can resolve all of these conditions.

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Mini Tummy Tuck

Depending on the location and severity of the abdominal tissue to be corrected, you may be a candidate for a mini-abdominoplasty. This procedure less extreme than a full abdominoplasty and uses tiny incisions to create a flatter, more sculpted midsection. The boost in confidence that you will receive following your Albany abdominoplasty will give you the motivation you need to continue down the road of fitness.

Men and women who seek tummy tuck surgery choose the procedure to resolve the following aesthetic problems:

  • Sagging abdominal skin and fat deposits which are resistant to diet and exercise
  • Excess hanging skin left after a dramatic loss of weight
  • Stretched skin and abdominal muscles following pregnancy
  • Unsightly stretch marks on the lower abdomen
  • Abdominal muscles that have split due to stretching, with an odd appearance
  • Love handles or a bulging abdomen
Tummy Tuck Albany GA

What is the Procedure for a Tummy Tuck?

During the procedure, an incision is made along the pubic bone. The skin of the abdomen is then pulled tight and the excess skin will be removed. It may also be necessary to repair the abdominal muscles if they have stretched, loosened, or split. Excess fat is removed to trim and smooth the area. Dr. Merriman use advanced liposuction in tummy tuck surgery depending on the extent of the fat deposits present in the abdominal region. Your belly button may be moved to the appropriate location on the abdomen in a traditional tummy tuck procedure.

Recovery from a Tummy Tuck

It is important that you allow your body the proper amount of time to heal. Most patients who have a tummy tuck can return to work within two weeks. You will need to avoid strenuous activities for several weeks following your procedure to avoid putting stress on the lower abdomen as it heals. Your recovery will be carefully monitored to ensure all proceeds as it should. Carefully follow all aftercare instructions so your body heals quickly and efficiently.

You will be treated with professionalism and kindness.

Meet with us and discover a clinic where we focus on creating natural-looking results in every procedure.

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